Pad Thai, adjusted by Nicole Tittensor

Pad Thai, adjusted by Nicole Tittensor

550 per serving

9g (15%)

Nutrional Content for recipe: 550 calories per serving Fats 9g (15%) Carbs 80g (58%) Protein 37g (27%)


  • Sauce:
  • 1 Tbsp Tamarind Paste
  • 1/4 Cup Chicken Stock
  • 1-2 Tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 tsp chili paste
  • 1-2 Tbsp Sweet Chili Sauce
  • 1/8 tsp Ground White Pepper
  • 4 Tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 Tbsp peanut butter


  1. Chill Sauce in fridge while cooking veggies and protein.
  2. Rice or Udon Noodles steamed slowly in water.
  3. Steam: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Cabbage and Sugar Snap Peas. ( or whatever veggies you love, just a lot of them!)
  4. Add Lean Protein: We used filet mignon from the Grub Steak Park City (thanks Grub Steak!)
  5. After steaming the veggies, sauté in pan with Avocado Oil add in protein, then noodles and sauce. Lower to a simmer for 3-4 minutes. Add a touch more peanut butter and sweet chili sauce to taste. Simmer another few minutes. Dish up and top with crushed peanuts.
  6. Enjoy!

Athlete’s daily intake outline: 60-65% carbohydrates 15-20% fats 15-20% protein

*Determining protein intake can depend on your goals. To maintain the muscle you have you should intake aproximately 1/2 your weight in grams of protein. If you’d like to build muscle add from there.

*Carbohydrate intake should be 300-400g. Veggies, fruits, rice, quinoa, grains, oats, and legumes are all good carbs.

*Fat intake should be around 67-100g Avocado’s, nuts, cooking oils, and some fish all contain good fats c

Nicole Tittensor cooks Pad Thai with EATS at Treasure Mountain’s Fuel like a Pro Athlete cooking class.