Park City School District

There are seven public schools in the Park City School District including four elementary schools, middle school, junior high, and high school. Each school has cooking facilities that cater to the particular tastes and nutritional needs of its student’s age group.

Cafeteria Staff

PCSD school food is all managed by the Child Nutrition Services department. EATS calls them “Lunch Heros” or Child Nutrition Services Staff.


The Park City School Nutrition Program operates as a financially independent branch within the school district. As such, no Park City tax dollars help to fund the program. Rather it is self-funded through food sales with federal and state subsidies.

Kids in the Park City school district are provided the opportunity to eat breakfast and lunch throughout their student career at the seven public schools in the district.

Government vs. Local

School lunches must meet USDA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services guidelines to be considered reimbursable by government funds. In Park City, decisions about what specific foods to serve and how they are prepared are made by local school food authorities Child Nutrition Services. Child Nutrition Services in the Park City School District has the honor and challenge of balancing these rules and regulations with the desires of Park City students and the surrounding community.

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