OMAD Book Recommendations
In the month of March, EATS will be launching an initiative called the One Meal a Day Community Challenge to get residents of Park City and surrounding areas to eat one plant-based meal a day. What this means is that we will be encouraging families to prepare one meal a day free of any animal products. We will be sharing recipes and shopping tips and more to help make this as easy as possible, but before we launch our initiative, we wanted to recommend some books written by people much more well-spoken than us to generate excitement for eating plant-based! Below are a few books we recommend.

The book that inspired it all: The OMD Plan by Suzy Amis Cameron is an excellent place to start a journey towards eating more plant-based foods. In her book, Cameron eases readers into a new lifestyle that will not only help them live a healthier life but also impact the planet.

Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer takes a deep dive into what it means to eat animals in an industrialized world. This book not only explores the dietary choice of not eating animals but also looks at what it means to be Kosher or to make other dietary changes based on a broader belief system.

Food Fix by Mark Hyman, MD takes a scrutinizing look at the global food system and the corruption that lies within. Hyman exposes food lobbyists and special interest groups as they cause some of the world’s most formidable health crises in order to drive sales.

How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Michael Gregor MD, FACLM and Gene Stone takes a scientific, nutrition-based approach at looking into a plant-based diet. Check out this book if statistics and facts are your jam.
Whether you’re just starting to think about a plant-based diet or you have been a staunch vegan for years, any of these books will get you excited about eating more plant-based, whole foods. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did!
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