5 Reasons Food Brings Families Together

September is the beginning of the school year, a month that gets overloaded with afterschool sports and homework, and other activities. Through all of this, September is also National Family Meals Month. At EATS, we believe that Family Meals Month can be celebrated year-round. We’ve put together a series of videos about the connection folks […]

Make Family Dinners Fun!

Research shows that family meals are an important time to get together. When we eat together as a family, we have time to not only eat a more nutritious meal, but to connect on a level that we wouldn’t otherwise find the time for. Here are four fun ways to engage all members of the […]

EATS Park City - Food Cycle - Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! We thought we’d celebrate by making a pledge to you, our community.  EATS pledges to connect the community to food this year. What do we mean by that? Let us explain.  EATS strives to strengthen our community’s relationship to food at every step of the food cycle. This is most obvious in […]


In the month of March, EATS will be launching an initiative called the One Meal a Day Community Challenge to get residents of Park City and surrounding areas to eat one plant-based meal a day. What this means is that we will be encouraging families to prepare one meal a day free of any animal […]

OMAD Community Challenge - EATS Park City

One Meal A Day (OMAD) Community Challenge has begun along the Wasatch Back! This initiative stems from a movement founded by Suzy Amis Cameron, OMD for the Planet. EATS takes Suzy’s work further by factoring in the effects composting and food waste have as well as supporting local producers which furthers the climate benefits.  Making […]

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