EATS Updates & COVID-19 Information

We’d like to give everyone a heartfelt thank you for all your generous support of both EATS and of our community. The outpouring of love, support, and offers of help coming from Parkites are inspiring.

EATS has worked quickly to adjust our programming to a virtual format. We are offering multiple classes through our Facebook page and uploading them to our YouTube channel. Fun and delicious engagement with food are available on your schedule! EATS is continuing our collaborative program, Backpack Meals, with the Christian Center of Park City. Together we are increasing our disbursements from every other week to weekly and increasing the number provided from 350 to 800. 

EATS is committed to continuing our cooking and garden education classes, supplemental meals to children facing food insecurity and the access to quality, nourishing food for our community. In these unprecedented times, we need you and your support more than ever. EATS’ work is essential in creating a healthier generation, decreasing the incidence of chronic illness and keeping our shared community healthy.

You make our work possible and it is only possible through your generosity. Please consider a donation to EATS.

EATS Has Gone Digital!

Check out our online cooking classes and virtual garden activities.

Backpack Meals Will Continue!

With schools being closed EATS and CCPC have increased the Backpack Meals from 350 to 800, which is a $690/week increase. It is worth every penny to ensure our most vulnerable community members have food to get them through the weekend in this uncertain time. Please donate to Backpack Meals today.

Thank You, PCCF!

EATS staff and board members would like to give a heartfelt thank you to Park City Community Foundation for a grant from the Community Response Fund to help support our essential supplemental nutrition program, Backpack Meals. 

Fork in the Road Has Been Postponed

EATS is working with our host, Park City Mountain Resort to reschedule this mouthwatering event. Updated details are pending.

All tickets purchased to date are valid for the rescheduled event. 

Help Our Restaurant Partners!

Our restaurant partners need our help!  They have donated to EATS many times over to support FORK in the Road, DIG In and Live PC Give PC. It’s our turn to return the favor. Staying healthy requires eating quality, nutritious food, and our Park City Area Restaurants make really good food!

Restaurants offering curbside
pick up