Trailside School Garden: All Grown Up!

Magic ingredient: Singing?

bror-smith-trailside-gardenAt the School Garden at Trailside elementary school, a Garden Journal is being kept where students record their activity and observations in the garden. Grace and Dave Symons wrote in late August: “Picked up some garbage today and some dead leaves under the squash plants; green onions need to be harvested but will wait to see if teachers want them; harvested some heads of lettuce; we sang to the beet and onions.” Singing to the garden may be the secret to it’s success!

Fall Harvest 2016

As the school year began, the Trailside School Garden was in full bloom! Teachers were asked to take advantage of all the edible goodies as their schedules and core standards allowed. There were lots of herbs (chives, lavender, thyme, cilantro and oregano) along with lettuce, celery, radishes, carrots, beets, squash, broccoli and cherry tomatoes. The green tomatoes could be picked and allowed to ripen on a window seal to see how the colors change.

Kindergarten teacher, Amy Fiedler, had this to say about the garden opportunity:

“Thank you so much for this information about the garden. While it is still nice weather, we will go out today and observe what is happening out there during our science time at the end of the day. A few kids have been asking me about the plants during recess. What an awesome learning opportunity! Thanks for all of your work.” ~ Amy Fiedler

Thank you Whole Kids Foundation

The Trailside School Garden is made possible by a grant from Whole Kids Foundation. If you want to continue to support school gardens, please consider a donation to EATS.

Garden help welcome

The Trailside School Garden is also prospering due to the dedication of one inspired parent, Sarah Tessler. If you would like to help Sarah continue to make the garden successful, please contact her at